Private tours

You don’t have to go to the top of the mountain or the heart of the jungle to visit interesting places in the periphery. Our year-round private tours are all conveniently accessible. But you will still visit off-the-beaten-path locations and participate in strictly unique activities.

While we always recommend stretching comfort zones, it should always be safe and enjoyable for you to do that. Our private tours find the perfect middle ground between convenience and unique experiences. Even the more accessible parts of Southwest China have a lot to offer.

The routes are tried and tested over the course of the last 10 years. Strong relations with excellent locals allow us to organize insightful and exciting activities. Although you’ll be traveling from A to B by car, you’ll never spent more than a few hours on the road.

Emphasizing the importance of the human element, we never operate the same way twice. Tours are flexible, connectible and selected on their versatility. Depending on your personal preferences, we can add day hikes, cycling rides, market visits or cooking courses à volonté.

Our Tours